How To Verify Your Email

How To Verify Your Email

Every new business account user who registers themselves on the Growth99+ app are required to verify their email ID before they continue to use the features of this app. Email verification is the first step to setting up a clinic and creating a Growth99+ profile. (CLICK HERE to know how to set up your clinic)


In your email inbox, you should have received a system-generated email from Growth99, with the subject Welcome to "Business Name".


As you open the email, you will find your login credentials, below which is a ‘verify email address’ button; please click on it to get started.


You will be taken to a page where the message ‘email verified successfully’ will appear. Check the below image for a detailed description of this step.


Below the message will be a blue link titled "Click here to login" that you can use to log in to the Growth99+ page.


Use the login credentials in your welcome email to log in to your Growth99+ account. Also, CLICK HERE to read our article on how to add a new user to a business account) 

For more information contact us at

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