A clinic profile is created automatically for every new business account that gets added to the Growth99+ app. The clinic admin needs to fill in the information in various data fields for every new clinic. The name, address, and a brief description of the clinic, the clinic's working hours, an email ID for receiving notifications, and the duration for activating reminder triggers are some of the details the business account user must provide for the clinic profile.
To do so, log in using the appropriate credentials and select the "Accounts and Settings" option from the admin panel, present on the left side of the screen. A drop-down will display several options; click on the "Clinic" button. Click on the blue "pen icon" that you will find on the right side of the page. Refer to the below image to check how your page will appear.
You will be directed to a page that will display three tabs titled "Clinic Detail", "Clinic Configuration", and "Review Configuration" respectively. Let us see the significance of each of these tabs. Refer to the below image
The first tab titled "Clinic Detail" displays various empty data fields. Enter the clinic name, basic contact information, and a short description of the clinic in the respective data fields. In the data field titled "Timezone" select the appropriate timezone for your clinic from the dropdown. In the below reference image, we have selected US/Mountain timezone.
Below, you will see two more data fields which are for the clinic address and a summary that describes the clinic. Fill in valid details in these data fields and proceed to fill in the further information in other data fields.
The next three data fields are for your contact and website information. Enter a valid email ID in the data field titled "Notification email". (CLICK HERE to know about the lead notification email). You will receive a notification on the same email ID every time a lead is generated for your clinic. In the data field titled "Notification SMS" enter your business mobile number to receive a notification SMS for every appointment. In the next data field, you will have to enter the link to your business website.
The field here requires the Appointment Booking URL that the "Book Now" button on the website directs to, this link will be fetched from the clinic page by the chatbot on the website when the lead asks for an appointment.
To the right side of the page are a few other data fields. You will need to select the hours of operation of working days of the week and/or weekend for your clinic. You can type the working hours manually, or you may select them from the dropdown. As an example in the below image, we have set the working hours to be from 9 in the morning to 5 in the evening, Monday through Friday. For Saturdays, we have selected the working hours of the clinic to be from 9 in the morning to 12.30 in the afternoon.

Do not forget to choose A.M or P.M for the working hours of your clinic.
The next few data fields are for the links to the social media accounts of your business. You can also enter the URLs for Google my business, Gift Card, and the online payment portal of your business. You can also enter additional details about any gift cards that your business offers.

Fill in all the data fields and click on the blue "Save" button to confirm the information.
The next tab is titled "Clinic Configuration". There are several data fields and checkboxes in this tab to enter additional details about your business. Mark the first checkbox if you want to keep your mail ID in CC every time your lead receives an email notification. If you want to enable the online payment link for your business website, mark the second checkbox.
The next data field is very important as it will facilitate the doctors to organize their appointments. In this data field, you have to enter the time duration in hours before which patients have to book their appointments in advance.
For example, if you set 10 hours are the time duration, your patients will have to book their appointments more than 10 hours in advance of the time when they wish to visit your clinic. A patient wanting to book an appointment for 6 p.m. on a Monday will have to confirm the booking before 8 a.m on that Monday. They will not be able to get a 6 o clock evening appointment if they delay it till after 8 o clock morning of that day itself.

Click on the "Save" button after you fill in all the data fields, to confirm the information.