Where Can I Find The Patient Records?

Where Can I Find The Patient Records?

Each business that has a Growth99+ account of its own handles a constant influx of appointments from new and existing patients. It helps the account users to have information on all their patients located at one place in their business account. Business account users may find the required patient information under the option "Patients".

The patient menu can help in the following ways.

1. To find the entire list of patients who have availed of the services from the clinic.
2. Check the individual history of the patients including but not limited to total appointments, payment details, signed consents, and submitted forms.
3. To assign new consents or Questionnaires/Forms.
4. To download the signed consent.
5. To add the patient's personal information (This information can be filled by the patient as well through the patient portal)

1. The location of patient page/menu
The "Patients" sub-menu is available under the menu "Patients". When any new patient books an appointment, the patient page automatically makes this entry.

2. How To Check The Patient Details?

On the "Patient" menu you will see a list of patients who have booked or availed of services at the clinic. Click on the "blue pencil icon" (which is the edit option) in front of the name of the patient whose details you intend to check.

Clicking on the pencil icon will open the individual patient's history. You will notice multiple tabs at the top of the page, each of which gives specific details such as the consents, payments, and appointments to name a few. The tab for "Questionnaires" gives details of the questionnaires already assigned to the patient and also allows the addition of a new questionnaire. (To learn how to assign a questionnaire to patients CLICK HERE). There is a separate tab for consent forms that showcases the consents assigned to the patient along with details of whether they have been signed or not. New consent may be added for the patient via this tab. (To learn how to assign consents to patients CLICK HERE)

The initial information such as the name, email, and the number is captured from the 'patient's details form' which all patients have to submit while booking the appointment.

The "Appointments" tab shows all the appointments booked by this patient. This tab for "Payments" allows the clinic to view records of the payments the patients have made in the past and also the details of pending payments. (CLICK HERE to know more about processing payments from the clinic). Refer to the below images for more details.

3. How To Assign Consents To the Patient And Download The Ones The Patient Signs From The Patient Portal?

To assign a new consent to the patient, click on the "Consents" tab, and click on the "Assign New Consent" button. 


You will be taken to a page that shows the entire list of the consents. From the list, you may select all the consents you want to send the patient, and click on the "Send to Patient" button.

The Patient will receive an email notifying them about the new consents assigned to them. Once the patient signs the consent from the patient portal, it can be downloaded by clicking on the "Download" button as the below image highlights.

Note: The Consent can be signed from the doctor/business account too, to do so, click on the Sign Now

  2. For more information email us at product@growth99.com

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