Setting Up a Square Webhook Subscription

Setting Up a Square Webhook Subscription

There are two ways to set up the Square Webhook Subscription:

  1. Access the Developer Dashboard:

Open your web browser and go to the Square Developer Dashboard using this URL: If you haven't already configured your application, click the '+' icon to create a new application.

  1. Navigate to Webhooks Settings:

Click on the application you wish to configure within the Developer Dashboard.

On the left-hand side of the application settings, locate the 'Webhooks' section, and then click on 'Subscriptions'.

Make sure you are in the production mode.

Create a New Subscription:

Inside the 'Subscriptions' section, click on 'Add subscription' to begin setting up the webhook.

Configure Webhook Details:

Provide a name for the webhook, something like 'Customer Created Webhook'.

Specify the notification URL where you want the webhook data to be sent.

Use the following format:{here add the business ID or tenant ID}

Select the desired API version (in this case, set it to '2023-08-16').

Select Events to Be Notified:

In the 'Events to be notified' section, choose the specific events you want to receive notifications for.

Ensure that 'customer.created' events are selected. After configuring your preferences, click 'Save' to confirm the settings.

Test the Configuration:

Within the webhook configuration panel, locate the 'customer.created' event and select it.

Perform a test by clicking on 'Test event' A successful test will display a 200 response.
You can also check the event logs in your Square account to confirm the test results. Test Webhook Configuration

Verify Integration:

To ensure that the webhook is functioning correctly, create a new customer in your Square account using the Square Dashboard.

The customer creation should trigger the webhook, and the corresponding data should be reflected on the G99+ patient page.

By following these steps, you will have successfully set up a webhook subscription for 'customer.created' events from Square, tested its functionality, and verified the integration between your Square account and the G99+ patient page.

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