How To Create/Edit A New Patient?

How To Create/Edit A New Patient?

The Growth99+ application has allowed establishing easy channels of communication between patients and doctors. The application helps to display information about patients, appointments, leads, landing pages, and allows business account users to create triggers and other events. 

In the previous articles, we have discussed how to edit appointments for existing patients (CLICK HERE to know more). But how do you enter the details of a patient? How does the doctor get information about the patient? In this article let us discuss how to add/edit a new patient.


Using your login credentials, access your admin panel and click on the "Patients" menu.  


You will be redirected to a page that displays a list of all the patients previously added to your business. To add a new patient, click on the blue "Add" button on the top, right corner of the page. Refer to the below image.


A new page appears that displays various data fields which you need to fill in with the patient's information. The data fields that have a red asterisk mark next to them are mandatory and cannot be skipped. As an example, we have filled in only the mandatory data fields and left the optional data fields empty in the below image.


After you fill in all the relevant data fields, click on the blue "Save" button at the bottom of the page.


On visiting the main page of the "Patient" sub-menu, you will see the new patient added to the list of the existing patients. If you want to edit or add further details to the patient, click on the blue "Edit" button present on the right side of the patient's name.

Note: If a patient is associated with any clinic in G99+, the patient can't book an appointment or become a patient in any other clinic under G99+.

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