A Growth99+ business account may be handled by more than one person. There is an option available to add multiple users to a single business account. Below are the simple steps in adding a new user to a business account, and setting up the work schedule of that user.

Note: The Growth99+ appointment feature requires a minimum of 1 service and 1 "provider". While the Growth99+ business account already has a "General" service added to it on the creation of the new account, adding a provider requires some setup.
This article discusses adding a user, and making them a "provider" in event of using the appointment feature.

For the context, both User and Provider are the same, but when we mark a user as a provider, their name will appear in the appointment URL as well as the chatbot for appointments (Continue reading for clarity)
Use the login credentials for the business account that requires changes. Under the "MANAGEMENT" section, click on the "Users" menu.
You will be directed to the users' page, which looks like the image displayed below. Names of all existing users of the business account will be displayed. If no users are added, the page will have no data to display. You will notice a blue "+ User" button on the right top corner.
Click on the "+ User" button, to land on the page that looks like the image given below. Let us go through each of the information slots that you will find on this page.
- The first two fields are for the First Name and Last Name of the user. These are recorded in the database and will reflect in all the notification emails and SMS and other information that the patients will receive regarding their appointments.
- The next slots are for the email address which the user needs to access their business account. (This email address will receive an auto-generated email with the password and email verification link from Growth99)
- The slot for the phone number accepts 10 digits without any special characters, this number will receive the SMS notifications related to appointments when using the appointment feature from Growth99+.
- The slot for "Role" has a drop-down option. Select the "Admin" option from here, so that the user's email id gets saved under the "Admin" column in the Growth99+ database.
- Designation fields will show under the user name on the appointment page, so make sure to add the proper designation for the user.
- The "User is a provider?" slider box should be enabled only if the user is a service provider. The user will then appear as a service provider under the appointment booking page of the clinic. - If the user is not one of the service providers in the office/clinic, or could be an office manager, in such case, do not enable the slider box "is provider". just click on SAVE.

Note: If you are adding a new user who is a non-service provider, maybe an office manager, or marketing analyst. No further action is required, Click on "SAVE" to complete adding the user and they will receive an email with their login credentials sent to the address added for the user login.
Continue the Below step only when you want to add a provider for appointments.
For saving the "User" as a Provider, click on the small slider box shown below beside question "User is a Provider?".
As soon as the slider box is enabled, you will notice 3 new fields emerge, these fields require the information related to the services the provider offers.
Adding Clinic and Services.

This is an important step.
- To fill the slot for clinics, select the "All" option from the drop-down.
- This will help to view all the services that the clinic offers, as all services are added under different categories.
- The "service category" and "service" have drop downs that will look like the below image. Under the categories, we recommend selecting all categories as it will enable all the services added under different categories to be available in the services drop down. (CLICK HERE to know more about adding services and categories)
Select the services the business user provides from the drop-down. If they provide all the services, then you can select all the services. There is a blue "Save" button below the "Service Category" option.
Click on Save.
The next step is to add the working schedule for the provider. Adding a working achedule is important to allow the patient's book an appointment based on the provider's availability.
Edit the user, and click on the "Working Schedule" tab, add schedule accordingly to complete the setup.
Click on the save button to save all the new information you added.

Note: To change any exisiting user to "provider", follow the steps 4-6.
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