The Growth99+ application features a "Leads" menu in its left-side menu panel. The menu showcases a sub-menu titled "Lead Tags". Lead tag is a helpful feature that allows business account users to segregate and classify the leads that their business is generating. This article discusses how to create a lead tag and assign it to new or existing leads.
Access your Growth99+ business account using your login credentials and click on the "Leads" menu. Choose the sub-menu titled "Lead Tags" and click on it. Refer to the below image.
You will see a page where all the previously added lead tags are listed. If the business does not have any previously listed tags, the page will be empty. On the top right corner of the page, you will see a button labeled "+Add Tags"; click on it.
You will be redirected to a page that displays a data field to enter the name of a new tag. Type the name of your choice in the data field. Here, as an example, we have chosen "Botox January 2022" as the tag name. Do not forget to click on the "Save" button to confirm the tag name.
If you go back to the "Lead Tags" page, you will see that the new tag has been added to the main page.
Now let us learn how to assign an existing lead tag to a lead. Click on the "All Leads" sub-menu that displays a list of all the existing leads for your business.
Method 1:
Click on the lead to whom you want to assign any lead tag. You will be redirected to a page that displays the lead details. Click on the dropdown of the data field titled "Tags", and choose the tag that you want to assign to the lead. You can choose as many tags as you want.
After choosing the desired number of tags, click on the blue save icon on the right side of the Tags dropdown, to save the changes. Refer to the below image. As an example, we have chosen "Botox January 2022" as the tag to assign to the lead.
Method 2
You can also assign lead tags in bulk from the leads dashboard. Select the leads from the lead dashboard to whom you want to assign any lead tag. Click on the "Add Tags" button and a "Tags" popup window will open up. Click on the dropdown of the data field titled "Select the Tags", and choose the tag that you want to assign to the selected leads. You can choose as many tags as you want. Check the images.
After choosing the desired number of tags, click on the blue save botton on the popup window, to save the changes. Refer to the below image. As an example, we have chosen "Botox January 2022" as the tag to assign to the lead.
A lead tag helps to identify the lead based on their searches, their treatment of choice, the time duration during which they searched for a particular service, and many other factors. As a business owner, you may want to get in touch with your lead based on the information you gathered from their lead tags and offer them the services they are looking for.
Adding and assigning lead tags is a great way to increase the rate of lead conversion and get more business.