How to connect Square to Woo-commerce Website?

How to connect Square to Woo-commerce Website?

This process is also applied to reconnect square with Woo-commerce if any issue is faced during checkout using the square payment method.

Note- You need admin/shop manager access for your website ( Username & Password ) before proceeding.

Please follow the below steps:

  1. Login into the WP Dashboard of your Website. Login URL will be or

  2. From Dashboard goto WooCommerce > Settings.

  1. From the upper tab choose Square and click on “Connect with Square”.

  1. Log in to your Square account. You must be the owner of the Square account to authorize Woo-Commerce to connect.

  2. Select “That’s My Site – Redirect Me” to return to your site.

  1. After that, you will be redirected to same Square tab, for confirmation “Disconnect from Square” option will be appearing in place of “Connect with Square”.

  1. Then click on "Save changes". ( IMPORTANT! )

  2. Now it is successfully connected with Woo-commerce.

If any trouble or query, please write it to We will be glad to help.