How To Allow Double/Multiple Bookings Without Provider In Growth99+?

How To Allow Double/Multiple Bookings Without Provider In Growth99+?

If you want to allow customers to book more than one appointment per timeslot, you can enable multiple booking of appointments without a provider.


Login to your Growth99+ account. The primary step is to enable the booking of appointments, to know more about booking of appointments, *click here*


To enable multiple bookings, 

Go to “Account & Settings” -> “Clinics”


Open Clinic Details, then 

Go to “Clinic Configuration”


Then select “Allow Multiple Booking Without Provider(Allow Double Booking) ” 

Then you can enter the “Number of booking allowed per slot” as per your requirement. By default, it will be one.


So now you’ll be able to book the number of appointments that you mentioned for a single time slot without selecting the provider.

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