How To Add New Social Media Labels?

How To Add New Social Media Labels?

Social media is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to get yourself seen or heard by the masses. Many businesses also have their separate social media pages dedicated exclusively to advertising the services and/or products that the business offers. The Growth99+ application features a menu that allows the business account users to integrate their social media pages (CLICK HERE to know how to integrate your social media pages with your Growth99+ business account) with the account and also manage the posts on these pages very easily. As a business account user, you can also add labels to your social media posts that you can create directly from your Growth99+ business account. 

What are labels?

The Growth99+ application has the option of adding labels to the various social media posts that business account users create. Labels are specific designations that will summarize the social media posts and enhance their visibility. Labels could be single words or phrases that will give the reader the context of the post. The uses and actions of labels are comparable to hashtags that are popularly associated with Instagram posts.
You can create as many labels are you want for your social media posts. You can assign multiple labels to each social media post that you create, depending on the suitability of the label to that post. With the right label, you can get more people to read and like your social media post, in turn, increasing the online popularity of your business.

Let us learn how to add new labels to use for your social media posts.


Using your login credentials access your Growth+ business account and click on the menu titled "Social Media Manager". Click on the sub-menu titled "Labels" from the dropdown to create a new label.


You will see a page that lists all the previously created labels for your business. If there are no labels created, the page will be blank. Click on the "Add label" button on the top, right corner of the page.


You will see a data field where you can enter the name that you deem suitable for your label. Do not forget to click on the "Save" button after you have given a name to the new label. In the below image we have given the name "Botox Beauty" to the new label, as an example. This label can be used for social media posts that are about Botox treatment.


If you visit the main "Labels" page, you will see the new label that you created getting displayed there. You can use the same steps to create other labels and assign them to your social media posts.

Next to each label that you create are two icons, one of a "pencil" and the other of a "trash bin". Check the above image to know more about these icons.
Clicking on the pencil icon allows you to edit the spelling of your label or change the name of the label altogether. If you do not want to retain the label anymore, you can delete it by clicking on the icon of the trash bin.

You can use labels to create posts for Instagram and Facebook pages of your business using the Growth99+ application.

For more information, contact us at

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